Packaging and Testing
Industry: Packaging and Testing Name: Memory card Content: Surface impurity Product: GL-LDR10068R-24 -
Industry: Packaging and Testing Name: IC sheet copper frame Content: Distinguish if there is IC in frames Product: GL-FPQ152152W-24 -
Industry: Packaging and Testing Name: IC chip Content: Laser-engraving words Product: GL-LDR7448W-24 -
Industry: Packaging and testing Name: CPU chip Content: Word marking Product: GL-IFV40W-24 -
Industry: Packaging and testing Name: CPU chip Content: Laser-engraving words Product: GL-LDR7448W-24 -
Industry: Packaging and testing Name: CPU chips Content: Glue leak Product: GL-LDR7448W-24 -
Industry: Packaging and testing Name: Die PAD line Content: PAD broken bond finger Product: GL-DO12292W-24 -
Industry: Packaging and testing Name: IC chip box Content: IC quantity Product: GL-PR136108W-24 -
Industry: Packaging and testing Name: IC lead frame Content: Glue Product: GL-DB6020B-24 -
Industry: Packaging and testing Name: IC tape Content: Defection Product: GL-IFV130W-24 -
Industry: Packaging and testing Name: IC tape Content: Diamond particles Product: GL-FDR12292B-24 -
Industry: Packaging and testing Name: IC TRAY Content: Check if IC has front side and back side Product: GL-PR136108B-24 -
Industry: Packaging and testing Name: IC tape Content: Laser-engraving words Product: GL-LDR7448R-24 -
Industry: Packaging and testing Name: IC tape Content: Front side and back side Product: GL-ADM90120B-24 -
Industry: Packaging and testing Name: Chip IC Content: Laser-engraving words Product: GL-LDR7448R-24 -
Industry: Packaging and testing Name: IC TRAY Content: OCR words Product: GL-DB11020R-24 -
Industry: Packaging and testing Product: IC Content: Words and circle feature targets Product: GL-LDR4822R-24 -
Industry: Pakagng and testing Name: Chip Content: Outer defection(Glue leak) Product: GL-ADM6060W-24 -
Industry: Packaging and testing Name: Passive element Content: Tape OCR Product: GL-IFV20R-24 -
Industry: Packaging and testing Name: IC TRAY Content: IC OCR Product: GL-DR5028R-24 -
Industry: Packaging and testing Name: IC Content: Glue leaking check Product: GL-DO12292R-24
Industry: Packaging and testing Name: IC chip(solder balls) Content: Spherometer and distance measurement Product: GL-PR9058R-24